Saturday, May 9, 2015

Review: Elf's liquid eyeliner

So this was basically my first liquid eyeliner ever, so I learned with it. I'm still not that good at liquid eyeliner and it can get messy pretty fast, so if you're considering on getting one just beware it'll take practice and patience.

What I like about this one is the little brush it has, it is really easy to handle and it's really fine. I tried another eyeliner from another brand and it was a sponge kind of brush and I honestly didn't like it at all. So I highly recommend this product! Try it out, it's only $1-$3 (can't remember the price) it's worth it! 

The only but I see in this one is the eyeliner is really shinny, and if you don't like your eyeline to look shinny, my advice is just press a bit of matte black eye shadow on top and it'll take away the shine and make it longer lasting! 

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